Universidade Fernando Pessoa

Porto, Portugal

Probabilistic Reserves Assessment

XVIII) Bibliography

- Bourdeaire, J. M. et al., 1985- Reserve assessment under uncertainty- a new approach.

Technology, June 10, Oil & Gas Journal

- Chambre Syndicale de la Recherche et de la Production du Pétrole et du Gas Naturel, 1982.

Paris, 17 February.

- Charreton R., Bordeaire, J. M., 1983 - Decision Theory- A Manegement outlook.

Oil & Gas Jounal, April 25, May 9, May 23, June 6 and June 20.

- Gonick, L. and Smith, W., 2005 - The Cartoon Guide to Statistics. HarperCollin.

- Martinez, A. R. et al., 1983 - Classification and Nomenclature Systems for Petroleum and Petroleum Reserves.

Study Group Report,  11th World Petroleum Congress London.

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Copyright © 2003 CCramez
Last modification: March, 2007