4) Neogene Global Stratigraphic Signature

The Neogene stratigraphic signature can be summarized as follows :

1) Lower Oligocene landward thickening ;

2) Upper Oligocene basinward onlap ;

3) Basal Lower Miocene flooding (MFS 24.8 Ma) ;

4) Lower Miocene (Aquitanian) aggradation commonly ending with major lowstand deposits (22.0 Ma) ;

5) Lower Miocene (Burdigalian) aggradation commonly ending with major lowstand deposits (21.0 Ma) ;

Plate 482 - The Neogene stratigraphic signature, as proposed by P. Vail and his students, is depicted above. In this stratigraphic signature, three major transgressive episodes are associated with the following maximum flooding surfaces: MFS 24.8 Ma, MFS 16/15 Ma and MFS 5.0 Ma (see next).

6) Middle Miocene (Langhian & Lowermost Serravallian) flooding (16/15 Ma) ;

7) Middle Miocene (Serravallian) major progradation (15/10.5 Ma) ;

8) End Middle Miocene major downward shift of onlap & lowstand deposits (10.5 Ma) ;

9) Upper Miocene aggradation commonly ending with lowstand deposits (10.5/5.0 Ma) ;

10) Lower Pliocene flooding (5.0 Ma) ;

11) Pliocene - L. Pleistocene aggradation with multiple lowstand deposits (5.0/1.6 Ma) ;

12) Upper Pleistocene high frequency sequence cycles.

Plate 483 This stratigraphic signature was the result of sequential stratigraphic and geohistory backstripping analysis of data from the western Atlantic-offshore, Gulf of Mexico-Alabama offshore and Texas, Maracaibo Basin (Venezuela), Canterbury (New Zealand), Northeast Java, Mahakam (Indonesia), Sabah, Bahamas and Ross-Sea (Antarctica).

4.1- Major Relative Displacements of Coastal Break :

30.0---------25.5 Ma Seaward ;
25.5---------24.8 Ma Landward ;
24.8---------15.5 Ma Seaward ;
15.5---------15.0 Ma Landward ;
15.0---------10.5 Ma Seaward ;
10.5---------5.0 Ma Landward ;
5.0-----------0.8 Ma Seaward.

4.2- Major Floodings :

24.8-----18.5-----15.0-----5.0 Ma

Exercises :

Plate 484 - Make a sequential interpretation of the upper part of this line, which is the seaward continuation of the one illustrated in Plate 485. Then, using the Neogene stratigraphic signature (Plate 504), propose an age for the main unconformities.

Plate 485- This line is the landward continuation of the line illustrated in Plate 484. Make the same exercise as the previously, using the a priori knowledge of Vail’s Neogene stratigraphic signature.

Plate 486- Make a sequential interpretation of this line from offshore Kaitanimbar. Then calibrate the sequence cycle boundaries using the Neogene stratigraphic signature. Criticize your interpretation as well as the proposed interpretation shown in Plate 487.

Plate 487- On this interpretation, a foredeep basin context is considered to take place at Lower Oligocene (SB. 30 Ma). Callovian, Vallanginian and Barremian unconformities are speculative, while the others are hypothetical, i.e., determined according the Vail’s Neogene stratigraphic signature.

to continue press

Send E-mail to carloscramez@gmail.com or carlos.crame@bluewin.ch with questions or comments about these notes (Seismic-Sequential Stratigraphy).
Copyright © 2003 CCramez
Last modification: April, 2015