
Nome / Name

José Manuel de Castro Torres

Graus Académicos / Academic Degrees

Posição Profissional Actual/ Current Professional Position


Ensino / Teaching

UC lecionadas na UFP / My courses at UFP

Lista de algumas UC lecionadas no passado / List of some of my past courses

Algumas publicações mais antigas/ Some older Publications

Master Thesis




Articles in conference with referee


Articles in workshop with referee


Articles in journal with referee


Presentations in scientific meetings:


Co-authored Books:


Posters in conference with referee:


Contributions to the Standard MPEG 7 - (Multimedia Content Description Interface) from ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11

Praça 9 de Abril, 349
4249-004 Porto-Portugal
telefone: 225071300
My Full CV Ciencia Vitae

Portal do livro "Tecnologias de Compressão Multimédia"