$FL2@(#) SPSS DATA FILE MS Windows Release 10.0 spssio32.dll Y@20 Jul 0011:22:01 GRUPO Q1_SEXO Sexo@Q1_IDADEIdade Q1_CEXP Experincia com computadoresQ1_TEXP Experincia com o tema de estudoQ1_DLEV Nvel de instruo Q1_CURSO Student group @Q1_CANO Ano do cursoQ1_MOTIV&Motivao para participar na avaliao @Q2_LOG The task of logging the system @Q2_USINGThe task of using the system@Q2_GINFO1The task of acquiring information from the system @Q2_RINFO/The task of reading information from the system @Q2_SINFO1The task of searching information from the system @Q2_INTER$The task of interact with the system@Q2_NAVG 3The task of navigation within available information @Q2_HELP The system help structure @Q2_TOOLSThe system available tools @Q2_REUSEAbout reusing the system@Q3_SRATERating the system @Q3_CLUES!Rating system clues for operation @Q3_HCI %Rating the system icons and interface @Q3_SUSE Rating the system use @Q3_L2USE'Rating how system use was easy to learn @Q3_LEARNLearn anything Q3_U2LRN+System can be used to learn about the theme Q3_REMKSRemarks about the system?Primeiro grupo @ Segundo grupo ? Masculino @Feminino @ Desconhecido ? Nunca usei @Usei poucas vezes @Nem muitas nem poucas @ Uso regular @ Especialista @ Desconheo ? Nunca conheo @ Conheo pouco @ indiferente para mim @O tema familiar @Sou um especialista @ Desconheo ?Frequncia de ensino superior @ Bacharelato @ Licenciatura @Mestrado @ Doutoramento @No sei? Technical @Health @Other @ Desconhecido ?#Saber mais sobre ensino distncia @Saber mais sobre o tema@Apenas curiosiade @Aprender com a experincia @ Foi convidado @ Desconhecido  ? very easy @easy @neutral@ difficult @very difficult @ don't know  ? very helpful @ quite helpful @neutral@quite unhelpful@very unhelpful @ don't know ?YES @NO   Qeehheehggggggggggggggggfffee~hieehiffffffffffffffffefef{hfefhieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehfefghfffeeffffffeeffeefeexhfeefefffeffeffeffgffeefee}hfeehhfgffhjheffghggfeeeefhgeeheffffefeeeeeeeefeeeeehheeehefegffffgfeegfeeeeeeigeehfeeffeffefeeeeffeeeeeffefhfhhiffghfgggfihgeefefyheefhijfgejefgeffffegfefffzhfefhhffefefeeffeeeffeeffeyheefhieefffeffffffeffeeffe~hhefhiffefefeeeeiiheeeefffzgfeehffffgffffeeeffefeefffzfhefhiffefefeeeeeefeeeeffe{hfefhfffeffffeffefeeeeefffyhhefhgffeeeffffgeegffeeffeyhgefhfffffffffffffeffeefff{hfefhhfffgegfeeefffeeeefff{hfefhfffffeffffeeeeffeeffehheehggggfhfgghffggffeeffe{hfeeggfegfgfggfffgffffee