[48] “Intrinsic Temperature-Compensated Fibre Optic Current/Magnetic Sensor”, 5th Int. Conf. Applications of Optics and Photonics, AOP2022 (Guimarães, Portugal, July 18-22, 2022).
[47] “
Optical Coherence Tomography: Concepts, Applications and Other Imaging Technologies”, (invited seminar), School of Sciences, Univ. Minho,(Braga, May 17, 2022).
[46] “
Optical Coherence Tomography: Concepts, Applications and Other Imaging Technologies”, (invited seminar), School of Sciences, Univ. Minho,(Braga, April 12, 2021).
[45] “LASER: The Challenges”, (invited talk), Laser Europe,
LE2017 (Porto, 9-10 November, 2017).
[44] “Refractive Laser Surgery: What’s New?”, (invited talk), 1st
International Congress on Visual Optics & Presbymania 2017 (Porto, 5-6 October, 2017).
[43] “Clinical OCT Technology: State-of-the-Art”, (invited talk), 1st
International Congress on Visual Optics & Presbymania 2017 (Porto, 5-6 October, 2017).
[42] “Physics of Human Vision: Optics and Lasers”, (invited talk), EUPO (European University Professors of Ophthalmology) course,
XXXII Jornadas Internacionais de Oftalmologia, Hospital S. António – Centro Hospitalar do Porto, (Porto, 28-29 April, 2017).
[41] “Hearing with Light: A new impant?”, (invited talk), Centro de Estudos e Investigação
GAES (CEIG), XXXVth Pan-American Congress on Otolaryngology - Haed and Neck Surgery (Havana, Cuba, 13-16 June, 2016).
[40] “Physics of Quality of Vision” (invited talk), Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Implanto-Refractive Surgery group,
CIRP 2016, Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology (SPO) (Albufeira, Portugal, 27-28 May, 2016).
[39] “Tomographie par Cohérence Optique: État de l’Art”, (invited talk), Angiographie/OCT session, Autumn Meeting,
SEVE - Société d’Exploration Visuelle et d’Electrophysiologie (Gondomar, Portugal, 5-6 Sep., 2014).
[38] “Optics Basics for Ophthalmologists”, (invited talk), Workshop on “Optics of Vision”, Annual Meeting of Contactology - Contact Lenses,
CIRP 2014, Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology (SPO) (Albufeira, Portugal, 29-30 May, 2014).
[37] “Low Coherence Interferometry in Biomedical Optical Imaging: Principles, Techniques and Applications”, Master Seminar for degree of Doctor of Science (D.Sc), Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto (Porto, Portugal, Dec.16-17, 2013).
[36] “Low Coherence Interferometry: From Sensor Multiplexing to Biomedical Imaging”, (invited talk), 1st Summer School on Recent Advances in Optics and Photonics, AOP 2012, University of Porto (Jun.28-29, 2012) -
[35] “Optical Sensors in Biomechanics”, (invited talk), 1st Symposium on Biomechanics and Human Performance, Univ. Fernando Pessoa, Porto (Mar.2011).
[34] “Optical Technology to Community Service?”, (invited talk), Rotary Club Porto Douro, Hotel Tiara Park Atlantic, Porto (Nov.2010).
[33] “Optical technology for Medical Applications”, (invited talk) 2nd Meeting on Biomedical and Dental Sciences, University Fernando Pessoa, Porto, Portugal (Mar.2010).
[32] "Lasers and IPL", Lasertherapy technical course, Faculty Health Sciences, Univ. Ferando Pessoa, Porto, Portugal (May.2009 and Oct.2009).
[31] "Properties of Light: Physics and Optics", Lasertherapy technical course, Faculty Health Sciences, Univ. Ferando Pessoa, Porto, Portugal (May.2009 and Oct.2009).
[30] "Optical Sources for Measurements and Imaging", (invited talk) 1st Canterbury Workshop in Optical Coherence Tomography and Adaptive Optics (HIRESOMI EU-Project), School of Physical Sciences, University of Kent, UK (Sep.2008) -
[29] "Fiber Optic Technologies: Devices and Optical Sources", 1st Technical Workshop of EC project HIRESOMI, Dept. Physics, Faculty of Sciences, Univ. Porto (Oct.25, 2007).
[28] "Optical Fiber Sources for Biomedical Applications", (invited talk) 5th SEON, Univ. Aveiro, Aveiro (Jun.29,2007).
[27] "Development and Innovation", IDIT, S.M. Feira (Oct.2006).
[26] "Optical Sensors: Concepts and Applications", Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University Fernando Pessoa, Porto (Oct.2005).
[25] "Fiber Optic Technoloigy in Telecommunications", Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University Fernando Pessoa, Porto (Oct.2004)
[24] "Optical Fibre Sensors in Civil Engineering", Civil Eng. Dept., Univ. Minho, (Guimarães, April 2003).
[23] "Advanced Optical Technologies for Environmental Monitoringl", Seminar on Environment and Health, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University Fernando Pessoa, Porto (Dec.2001).
[22] "The LASER and the Optical Fibre", Invited Talk, Rotary Club Porto Douro , Hotel Meridin, Porto (May 2001).
[21] "Microscope or Endoscope?", VII Theoretical and Practical Course on Perinasal Sinus Surgery - COMET Surgery, ENT Dept., Faculty of Medicine, Univ. Porto (invited talk-Dec.2000)
[20] "GMR sensors for High Power Electric Current Metering", Project HIPOWER, EFACEC-Energia S.A. , Leça do Balio (Jun. 1999).
[19] "Optical Current Transformer", Project HIPOWER, R&D Div., ENT S.A., Maia (April 1999).
[18] "Fibre Optic Sensors: Principles and Applications", Cabelte S.A., Valadares, Portugal (Jun.1998).
[17] "Fibre Optic Sensors", ITQB - UNINOVA, Oeiras (May 1998).
[16] "Optical Fibre Bragg Grating Sensors", Electronic and Telecommunications Eng. Dept., Univ. Alfonso X, Madrid, Spain (Dec.1997).
[15] "Optical Fibres ", Quintas & Quintas S.A., Póvoa do Varzim (Oct.-Dec.1996).
[14] "Faraday Effect in Fibre Optic Sensors: Applications", Physics Dept., FCUP, Univ. Porto (Jul.1996).
[13] "Fibre Optic Sensors for Electric Current and Voltage Monitoring: State-of-the-Art Review", Technical Workshop of the Telecommunications Division, EFACEC Group, Maia, Portugal (Jul.1996).
[12] "Multiplexing of Fibre Optic Sensors: Experimental Results", project OPTOSENSOR, Physics Dept., Univ. Beira Interior, Covilhã (April 1996).
[11] "Multiplexing of Fibre Optic Sensors", project OPTOSENSOR, Electronics Dept., Univ. Aveiro, Aveiro (Nov.1995).
[10] "Fibre Bragg Grating Sensor Multiplexing Topologies", Applied Optics Group, Univ. Kent , UK (Jun. 1995).
[9] "Multiplexing of Fibre Optic Microsensors", INESC, Porto (Mar. 1995).
[8] "Multiplexing of Fibre Optic Sensors Based on: Fibre Bragg Gratings and Fibre Lasers", Physics Dept., FCUP (Mar. 1994).
[7] "Optoelectronics: Optical Fibres ", FUNDETEC - INESC Porto (Jan.-Mar. 1994).
[6] "Optical Fibre Sensor Multiplexing Using a Progressive Ladder Network Topology", Physics Dept., FCUP, Univ. Porto (Oct. 1993).
[5] "Optical Fibre Sensors: Interferometric Sensors, Sensor Networks and In-Fibre Grating Sensors", Int. Conf. of Smart Structures'93 (UBI, Covilhã, Portugal, 1993).
[4] "Electronics and Telecommunications", FUNDETEC - INESC (Jan.-Feb. 1993).
[3] "Fibre Bragg Gratings", Seminars of the Optoelectronics Group, Physics Dept., FCUP, Univ. Porto (Nov. 1991).
[2] "Large Range Coherence Tuned Fibre Optic Interferometer", Applied Optics Group, Univ. Kent , UK (Mar. 1991).
[1] "Electronics for Industrial Process", FUNDETEC - INESC Porto (Jan.-Jun. 1990).