Meso-Cenozoic Megasuture

The Meso-Cenozoic megasuture includes all geological bodies associated with the post Permo-Triassic subduction events (A- & B-type subductions). It represents the counterpart of the seafloor spreading, which have been induced by the drifting of the continents individualized by the breakup of the supercontinent Pangea.

The Meso-Cenozoic megasuture, as all other megasutures, is characterized by a geological setting with predominant compressional (shortening) tectonic deformations in which the extensional tectonic regimes associated with the subduction zones create sedimentary basins. In other words, the Meso-Cenozoic megasuture corresponds to a geological realm where sedimentation, shortening (thrusting and folding) and igneous activity take place .

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Last update: 2021