East Canada Offshore

Baffin Island Offshore

Northward of the Labrador Sea, in the Baffin Bay area, the presence of seaward dipping reflectors is well know since longtime, as corroborated by tentative geological interpretation of the the next Canvas autotrace. The seaward dipping reflectors (SDRs) can be interpreted as lava-flows, postdating the breakdown of the Pangea supercontinent, ejected from aerial expansion centers (emerged sheeted dykes). The SDRs seem to represent first stage of the oceanic crust's formation and the onset of divergent margin deposition forming what we could call the volcanic sector of the Atlantc-type divergent margin.

On this Canvas autotrace of  a seismic line shot not far from the previous one, in spite of the poor quality of the data, the proposed tentative geological interpretation seems coherent with the regional geological setting of the area, in which the presence of the seaward dipping reflectors represent the first stage of the oceanic crust's formation, i.e., the stage during which the expansion centers are not immerse (volcanic sector of the Atlantic-type divergent margin).


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Copyright © 2001 CCramez
Last update: 2022