Universidade Fernando Pessoa

Porto, Portugal

26th Annual Convention and Seminar

Exploration Geophysics

Deep Water Exploration

8-10 November 2000

Goa Mariott Resources, Goa, India

This conference was given on the 8-10 November 2000 Goa Mariott Resources, Goa, India

To see the slides and comments, please click next

The following short course are, or will be sooner available, on this site (Earth Sciences- Courses and Lectures)

- Introduction to Systemic Stratigraphy ;
- Glossary of Salt Tectonics ;
- Basic Principles in Tectonics ;
- Bassins Sédimentaires et Systèmes Pétroliers ;
- Salt Tectonics ;
- Seismic-Sequential Interpretation ;
- Systemic Stratigraphy Seminar ;
- Foredeep & Fold Belts ;
- Volume Problem s;
- Hydrodynamism ;
- Turbidite Systems ;
- Geological Setting & Seismic Interpretation ;
- Offshores Profonds ;
- Glossary in Sequential Stratigraphy. 

to continue press next

Send E-mail to carloscramez@gmail.com with questions or comments about this conference.
Copyright © 2006 CCramez
Last modification: August, 2014