Universidade Fernando Pessoa

Porto, Portugal

Probabilistic Reserves Assessment

Properties of data area called Sample Properties, while properties of the probability distribution are called Model or Population Properties. The mean of the population is an example of a parameter. The mean of a sample is an example of a statistic.


These notes are not a short-course. They correspond to an eclectic gathering of self suffisient plates used during a short-course given in November 15th at the "Instituto Argentino del Petroleo y del Gas" in Mar de Plata 2005. (ccramez@compuserve.com).


I   - Introduction
II   -  A Priori Hypotheses
III   - Data Description
IV   - Probability
V   -  Basic Operations
VI  - Conditional Probability
VII - Bayes Theorem
VIII - Random Variables
IX - Types of Random Variables
X - Discrete Random Variable's Properties
XI - Continuous Random Variable's Properties
XII - Bernoulli Trial
XIII - The Binomial Random Variable
XIV - Statistical Distribution
			a) Normal Distribution
			b) Lognormal Distribution
			c) Normal & Lognormal Distribution
			d) Triangular Distribution
			e) Parabolic Fractal Distribution
 XV - Monte Carlo Simulation
 XVI - Monte Carlo & Petroleum Systems
 XVII - Bourdaire's Approach
			a) Example
			b) Recovery Factor
 XVIII - Reserves Classification
			a) WPC/SPE Reserves
			b) Reserves & Resources
			c) Field & Basin Reserves
			d) New Technology
XVIII- Bibliography	

to continue press

Send E-mail to ccramez@compuserve.com with questions or comments about these notes.
Copyright © 2003 CCramez
Last modification: March, 2007