Porto, Portugal
This is the Home Page of the short course "Salt Tectonics". If you click on the interlinks (underlined text and bots), you can navigate and you will find a text and the majority of the plates shown during the course.
click on the underlined text
Carlos Cramez
In addition to "Salt Tectonics" short course, the following courses are or will be sooner available:
- Glossary of Salt Tectonics - Basic Principles in Tectonics - Bassins Sédimentaires et Systèmes Pétroliers - Introduction to Systemic Stratigraphy - Seismic Interpretation - Systemic Stratigraphy Seminar - Foredeep & Fold Belts - Volume Problems - Hydrodynamism - Turbidite Systems - Sequence Stratigraphy - Rocky Mountains - Offshores Profonds - Glossary in Sequential Stratigraphy
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