
Synonym of Salt Glacier.

Photograph of the NE flank of the Jabal Al Milh (NE Yemen) salt diapir, where the bedding is overturned, folding and thrusted and later gravity-driven extension has cracked the 80-100 year old mosque walls.

Nitrates (Bates, R. L. and Jackson, J. A., 1980)

Minerals characterized by a fundamental anionic structure of NO3. Examples of nitrates are: NaNO3 (soda niter) and KN03 (niter).

Non-uniform Flow

Flow with nonparallel streamlines. Converging streamlines represent accelerating flows. Diverging streamlines represent decelerating flows.

Normal Stress

Stress acting normal to a plane. A normal stress is symbolized by Greek letter s (sigma).

Normal stresses can be: (i) Compressional or positive, depicted by convergent arrows or by a symbol plus and (ii) Tensional or negative, represented by two arrows in opposite directions or by the symbol minus.

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Last modification: August, 2014