
The direction of the overturning or of inclination of a fold or fault. Term was coined by Stille for the direction in which a geological structure or Family of structures is facing.

Contrariwise to the majority of the salt-associated faults in West Africa offshore, which have a seaward vergence, those illustrated above have a landward vergence.

Vertical Salt Weld

Surface joining strata originally separated steep-sided or vertical salt diapirs. Generally, vertical salt welds are associated with local compressional tectonic regimes. Vertical salt weld is a synonym of secondary salt weld.

Vertical or secondary salt welds, as shown above, connect allochthonous salt structures with the mother allochthonous salt layers.

Vortex Structure

Crescentic fold whose lowest parts are rolled or coiled inwards about fold hinges concentric to the diapir core.

Vortex structures are very difficult to recognize on seismic data. They can often be observed on the ground, but they have been mainly recognized in centrifuge experiments

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Last updated: April, 2020