The classification of the offshore basins follows the classification of the sedimentary basins proposed by A. Bally and Snelson, in 1980. To better understand the main principles of this classification it is important to locate the Phanerozoic megasutures, i. e., the mobile areas of the earth (folded and faulted belts), which illustrate the complexity of the accretion and deformation phases undergone by geological bodies under predominant compressional tectonic regimes, and particularly the Meso-Cenozoic megasuture.

a) Phanerozoic Megasutures

b) Ceno-Mesozoic Megasuture

c) Classification of the Sedimentary Basins

d) Offshore Type 1 & Type 2

e) Cross-sections (Offshores Type 1 & Type2)

f) Definitions & Geological Settings

g) Offshores of Atlantic-Type Margin ( Offshores Type 1)

1- Environments

2- Bathymetry & Topography

3- Geological evolution

3.1- Post-salt breakup hypothesis

3.2- Pre-salt breakup hypothesis

h) Offshores of Pacific-Type Margin Basin (Offshores Type 2)

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Last update: 2022