Caveat :

The author is the only responsible for the informations and tentative geological interpretation contained in these notes, which are addressed to the participants of my short courses and not to any particular oil company. They reflect what, in my opinion, can be avoid in a scientific petroleum exploration, particularly, in the Africa and South American sedimentary basins. For confidential reasons, the proposed tentative geological interpretations are illustrated on autotraces of the seismic lines using the Canvas computer program that traces an image with curves or straight path segments. If you have any questions, please contact or

List of the Figures :

Figure 001…………Time Lines versus Facies Lines (1)
Figure 002…………Time Lines versus Facies Lines (2)
Figure 003…………Geographic Basins
Figure 004…………Sedimentary Basins
Figure 005…………Bally & Snelson Basin Classification.
Figure 006…………Tentative Geological Interpretation in Lake Pelegrini Area
Figure 007…………Tentative Geological Interpretation of a Neuquén Seismic Line
Figure 008…………Effects of Scale Exaggeration (Bed Thickness & Dip)
Figure 009…………Anderson’s Theory of Faulting
Figure 010…………Effects of Scale Exaggeration on Depth Seismic Lines
Figure 011…………Seismic Interpretation is Scale Dependent
Figure 012…………Continental & Deltaic Slope
Figure 013…………Woodbine Complex of Deltas
Figure 014…………Continental Slope Progradations
Figure 015…………Continental & Delta Slopes in Argentina Offshore
Figure 016…………North Malvinas Complex of Deltas
Figure 017…………Complex of Deltas in Neuquén Geographic Basin
Figure 018…………Tentative Geological Interpretation of a Neuquén Seismic Line
Figure 019…………Seismic Lines are Time Profiles (1)
Figure 020…………Seismic Lines are Time Profiles (2)
Figure 021…………Geometrical Relationships (1)
Figure 022…………Geometrical Relationships in Argentina Offshore
Figure 023…………Geometrical Relationships are Depositional Features
Figure 024…………Problems of a Vertical Flattening (1)
Figure 025…………Geometrical Relationships on Flattened Seismic Lines
Figure 026…………Problems of a Vertical Flattening (2)
Figure 027…………Depositional Model
Figure 028…………Geometry of Depositional Surfaces
Figure 029…………Tectonically Enhanced & Cryptic Unconformities
Figure 030…………Unconformities & Systems Tracts
Figure 031…………Age of an Unconformity
Figure 032…………Universe's Calender
Figure 033…………Earth's Calender
Figure 034…………Probabilities, Instantaneous Geological Events, Geological Events
Figure 035…………Stratigraphic Completeness
Figure 036…………Absolute Sea Level, Relative Sea Level, & Others
Figure 037…………Measuring Sea Level
Figure 038…………Tectono-Eustasy, Glacio-Eustasy
Figure 039…………Geoidal Eustasy, Ocean Thermal Expansion
Figure 040…………Relative Sea Level
Figure 041…………Relative Sea Level Rise
Figure 042…………Marine Transgressions & Sedimentary Regressions
Figure 043…………Marine Ingressions & Sedimentary Regressions
Figure 044…………Incompressibility of Rocks
Figure 045…………Volume Problems & Fault Picking
Figure 046…………Fault Curvature Changes with Depth
Figure 047…………Seismic Artifact induced by Salt Domes & Organic Buildups
Figure 048…………Seismic Artifact induced by Changing in Water Depth
Figure 049…………Changing in Water Depth Must be Taken into Account
Figure 050…………Depth Water Correction
Figure 051…………Oil & Gas Reserves, Stratigraphic Distribution
Figure 052…………Continental Encroachment Cycles & Encroachment Sub-Cycles
Figure 053…………Post-Pangaea Continental Encroachment Cycle
Figure 054…………Continental Encroachment Cycles & Sub-Cycles
Figure 055…………Diachronic Potential Source-Rocks
Figure 056…………Non-Marine Source-Rocks (Lacustrine, Epeiric, Continental)
Figure 057…………Late Ashgillian Ice Cap
Figure 058…………Tectonically Enhanced Unconformity
Figure 059…………Non-Structural Traps Sketch
Figure 060…………Sub-crop Map & HC Migration Paths
Figure 061…………Geological Maps & Paleogeographic Maps
Figure 062…………Simplified Geologic Map (Algeria)
Figure 063…………Stratigraphic Sections (Algeria-Libya)
Figure 064…………Non-Structural Traps
Figure 065…………Potentiometric Surface (1)
Figure 066…………Potentiometric Surface (2)
Figure 067…………Potentiometric Surface (3)
Figure 068…………Hydrodynamism (dynamics of fluids in motion)
Figure 069…………Aguada Pichana Field
Figure 070…………Morphological traps by Juxtaposition

Figure 071…………Geological Map (Chiru Anticline)
Figure 072…………Chiru Anticline Seismic Line
Figure 073…………Shortening & Lengthening
Figure 074…………Sequential Stratigraphy (Facies Prediction, Sand-Shales)
Figure 075…………Sequential Stratigraphy (Facies Prediction, Carbonates)

Contents :
               1) Geographic and Sedimentary Basins
               2) Classification of the Sedimentary Basins
               3) Geological Interpretation is Scale Dependent
                     3.1) Delta & Continental Slopes
                     3.2) Delta Slopes in Argentina Basins
                             a) Maldives Geographic Basin
                             b) Neuquén Geographic Basin
              4) Seismic Lines are Time Profiles
              5) Geometrical Relations & Seismic Surfaces
              6) Geometry of Depositional Surfaces
              7) Unconformities (Types, Recognition, Age)
              8) Sedimentary Completeness
              9) Absolute & Relative Sea Level
             10) Marine Ingressions & Sedimentary Regressions
             11) Volume Problem (Goguel’s Law)
             12) Lateral Velocity Changes
             13) Downlap Surfaces & Source rocks
             14) Angular Unconformities, Subcrops & Paleogeographic Maps
             15) Trapping (Structural and non-Structural Traps)
             16) Sedimentary Shortening & Lengthening
             17) Facies Prediction (Depositional Systems Tract)

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Copyright © 2013 Ccramez, Switzerland
Last updated: April, 2020